So Much Information!
I just spent two days at the Indiana South Shore eLearning in Hammond and my mind is SWIRLING with ideas! Ya know how you go to a conference and you leave feeling like you could take on the world?? Yeah, that is exactly how I feel right now! What an amazing conference (see all the great things that were going on at #sselearn) that was FREE!!! Unbelieveable! I want to "document" the highlights of those two days so I can hold on to that learning and apply it to this upcoming school year.
First of all, I cannot say enough about Buddy Berry. If you have not heard this man speak, find him and listen to him! (Follow him on Twitter @BuddyBerry) His story is really amazing. I have heard him speak twice now. I knew that he would be in Hammond and it was part of the reason I signed up. I will admit that I initially thought, "Well, I have heard this keynote before so if I miss it, no big deal..." wrong wrong wrong. Just as powerful, if not more the second time. Hearing it this time was so much more applicable to my current situation. Ox Bow has grown so much over the past two years and we really are a school on FIRE! It excites me to see that we could head in that direction. His whole mindset about innovation is spot on. He has 3 key beliefs: The element of surprise and delight, Start to Think Differently, and the Yes...And! Theory. Buddy Berry says that if you have never gotten that "what the what?" look from someone, you haven't thought big enough yet. I LOVE this way of thinking! Trying new things, outside the box, challenging the norm! Upon hearing him speak, I immediately emailed our assistant superintendent and told him we need to go visit this school. Berry says if you can recognize that you"want your school to be like THAT" then you tweak, twist and turn until you get there. It feels so attainable and excites me to share this thinking with those I work with.
The next powerful session I attended was with a first grade teacher from East Noble school named Amber Harper (@burnedinteacher). The session I attended was called From 0 to Google Certified: Yes YOU! I have had an interest in becoming Google Certified but, honestly, the process feels daunting. After my experience in this session, I felt so empowered to go as far as I possibly can with Google Certification. Her strong belief that ANYONE can do this has pushed me to move forward with certification. I am SO excited to see what is possible! She explained that she first began her journey as a result of feeling burned out- something teachers have ALL experienced at one point or another. She was very real, raw and relatable which helped me to feel able to do just about anything.
I cannot end this post without giving a shoutout to Christine Pinto (@pintobeanz11)! Her message was one that inspired me to continue trying things and not to be afraid of what could go wrong. She emphasized that "whatever dreams you have start working on those today- live in the now." What a powerful reminder that we can make things happen for ourselves. I also had my picture taken with her which was super cool!
Although I was only able to attend one session presented by the Five Star Technology ladies (Katie Bradford and Sherry Gick), these two are amazing resources! Every time I am with them I learn something new and head back to my classroom excited about what is next. They always force me to think differently, which I love.
As I go through my extensive notes from the last two days I know there is more that I could share but at this point most people have probably stopped reading. :) Now to finish my Google Certification Training...

First of all, I cannot say enough about Buddy Berry. If you have not heard this man speak, find him and listen to him! (Follow him on Twitter @BuddyBerry) His story is really amazing. I have heard him speak twice now. I knew that he would be in Hammond and it was part of the reason I signed up. I will admit that I initially thought, "Well, I have heard this keynote before so if I miss it, no big deal..." wrong wrong wrong. Just as powerful, if not more the second time. Hearing it this time was so much more applicable to my current situation. Ox Bow has grown so much over the past two years and we really are a school on FIRE! It excites me to see that we could head in that direction. His whole mindset about innovation is spot on. He has 3 key beliefs: The element of surprise and delight, Start to Think Differently, and the Yes...And! Theory. Buddy Berry says that if you have never gotten that "what the what?" look from someone, you haven't thought big enough yet. I LOVE this way of thinking! Trying new things, outside the box, challenging the norm! Upon hearing him speak, I immediately emailed our assistant superintendent and told him we need to go visit this school. Berry says if you can recognize that you"want your school to be like THAT" then you tweak, twist and turn until you get there. It feels so attainable and excites me to share this thinking with those I work with.
The next powerful session I attended was with a first grade teacher from East Noble school named Amber Harper (@burnedinteacher). The session I attended was called From 0 to Google Certified: Yes YOU! I have had an interest in becoming Google Certified but, honestly, the process feels daunting. After my experience in this session, I felt so empowered to go as far as I possibly can with Google Certification. Her strong belief that ANYONE can do this has pushed me to move forward with certification. I am SO excited to see what is possible! She explained that she first began her journey as a result of feeling burned out- something teachers have ALL experienced at one point or another. She was very real, raw and relatable which helped me to feel able to do just about anything.
I cannot end this post without giving a shoutout to Christine Pinto (@pintobeanz11)! Her message was one that inspired me to continue trying things and not to be afraid of what could go wrong. She emphasized that "whatever dreams you have start working on those today- live in the now." What a powerful reminder that we can make things happen for ourselves. I also had my picture taken with her which was super cool!
Although I was only able to attend one session presented by the Five Star Technology ladies (Katie Bradford and Sherry Gick), these two are amazing resources! Every time I am with them I learn something new and head back to my classroom excited about what is next. They always force me to think differently, which I love.
As I go through my extensive notes from the last two days I know there is more that I could share but at this point most people have probably stopped reading. :) Now to finish my Google Certification Training...

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