
Showing posts from January, 2018


This quote right here.  This is the one that is on my mind.  Honestly, it is one that I have been passionate about for quite some time now but it seems to strike me more and more these days. In Education, comparison seems to be prevalent in every classroom.  It's hard not to compare, right? We see what the teacher next door is doing and think, "Wow!  Look at what she is doing, I didn't even think of that."  I think that is a basic human reaction in life- comparison.  It can drive us to achieve more, do better, reach higher goals...or it can rob us of what we are already doing well and slowly steal our happiness.  It can control us more than we want it to.  Comparison is a tricky concept. Maybe not everyone looks at what the teacher across the hall does and immediately compares herself.  Maybe the reaction is different.  Maybe it is one of inspiration and wanting to learn more.  In this situation, comparison can ...

Clear Head, Clear Goals

For me, Christmas break is always a time to catch my breath and set goals for myself both personally and professionally.  This year is no different.  I was able to watch some of Matt Miller's Ditch Summit over break.  I felt like one speaker in particular  was speaking directly to me!  Kim Strobel is a happiness coach.  She has spent many years in education so she understands the perspective of teachers everywhere.  She has devoted her life to helping people add more happiness to their life.  I feel like I am a fairly happy person but it is so easy, especially in this profession, to get caught up in the things that are not within my control.  Those things can weigh me down, build up over time and soon take over HOW I spend my time.  I might spend my time mentally focused on some of these worries and less time focused on the here and now.  She spoke about being present in each moment- both physically and mentally. One major takea...