Reflections and the First 3 Days
I am so excited about this school year and this new group of 2nd graders! I have a small class and I can already see each unique little personality shining through. They are kind, curious and energetic. I am just really excited to see all that they learn this school year. Have you ever heard the saying, "There is no tired like beginning of the year teacher tired?" I certainly felt that this first week. Even though we were only there 3 days, by Friday I was ready to crash by Friday night. As I sit here Sunday morning preparing for the week ahead I am trying something new in terms of reflecting on my plans from the week before. I actually learned this from a new teacher in our district. I am looking back at my plans in my Google Drive and physically making comments on the plans in a different color that tell what went well with that activity and what did not go well or what I might do different for next time. I can use these not...